Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sucker for Punishment

I finished 3, laughed my way through an unsuccessful attempt at number 4, excluded from 5, and an unsuccessful attempt at #6.  Not diminishing the efforts of those who stuck in there until the points that they did, but nobody technically finished 2, 4, or 6.  Sensing a pattern and being a complete idiot; I've thrown my name in the hat for #7.

I know it's not a good idea: TransIowa

Dating back a number of years, I've had the dream of a family trip to France where I wanted to ride the Paris Brest Paris 1200k brevet.  Financially, it's not going to happen.  So, I'm sticking closer to home with the hope that I can finish again.

More importantly, hoping that I will enjoy all of the countless miles of riding experience that will go into preparation.  I'm considering writing for sponsorship from Bayer, makers of Aleve or Phizer the makers of Advil.  Though, Advil's site has a runtime error so perhaps I will stick with Aleve, it seems to work better anyway.

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