Monday, June 11, 2007

Bike: Oh How I Love Thee

My arrival here this morning for work is very anticlimactic. I was up this morning on time for a change. These are the days that I love. It was 70 degrees this morning when I rolled past the bank at 5:20am. T-Shirt and cycling shorts, two cups of coffee loaded on the bike, ready to go.

There's no real reason for me to come into the office anymore. I don't have a boss that is here in the office anymore. My new boss lives somewhere in Massachusetts. Everything I do can be done from anywhere that I have an internet connection. I stood thinking about that this morning before leaving.

The only reason that I came into the office is so that I could ride my bike. Now, some might question the sense of that. Why wouldn't I just go out for a ride, pick my own route, wander around on the bike, head home, and finish out the balance of the day from the comfort of my home office? I ask myself that same series of a question. (Which is why it rolled off my fingertips so easily.)

Knowing myself as well as I do on some things, I know that I would be unlikely to get up, go for a ride, and come home to work. Instead, I'd be much more likely to get up and go right to work. So, I stick a bike ride in and force myself to come in here. This morning, I rode down around the chain of lakes to take the long way in... I didn't get here until just before 8am. Oh, how I love to ride.

1 comment:

amidnightrider said...

Your boss is somewhere in Ma? Fairhaven perhaps.

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